Wandlitz: Goebbels´and Honecker´s Hideaway

In the area around Wandlitz and Bernau the “Politbüro des ZK der SED”, the academy of the labor union „Fritz Heckert“ and the Central Youth School of the FDJ „Wilhelm Pieck“, were comfortably sealed off.

Wandlitz is the synonym for the luxury-resort of the GDR-Elite north of Berlin, where capitalism was practized daily and was dominating the “real existing socialism”. The “Waldsiedlung” wasn´t to befound on any maps, was closely guarded, entrance only via special permit.

At Bogensee-Lake something very special is waiting for us: a vast complex of 150.000 square meters with huge representative edifices: built by the Free German Youth FDJ in 1946 as a cadre factory for 500 students, later enlarged by the architect Hermann Henselmann. Here we discover the “Waldhof am Bogensee”, the former luxury estate of NS-Secretary of Propaganda and enlightenment Joseph Goebbels from 1939. So here at the Bogensee-Lake two dictatorial regimes were masterminded and ideologically substantiated, 80 years long closed to the public.

Points of Interest (choice of):

  • “Waldsiedlung Wandlitz” in Bernau
  • Academy of the Labor Union ADGB in Bernau
  • former Central Youth School of the FDJ, Bogensee
  • “Waldhof am Bogensee”: Goebbels´ estate


+ certified tour guide
+ exclusive VW-Bus with AC
+ literature on board
+ cold beverages
+ length of the tour: five hours
+ private group up to six participants

price per group:

320,00 EUR (VAT included)

If you have any further questions, feel free to call me up under +49 172 247 30 87 or fill in the follwing information request

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